ℹ️Presale Info

Launch InfoDetails

Presale Supply

20,000 $FURY

Presale Price


Launch Price


Maximum Per Wallet

8,000 USDT(800 $FURY)

Presale HardCap

200,000 USDT (50% will be used for liquidity)

Presale Start Date

25 Jan 0800 EST

Presale End Date/Listing

28 Jan 0800 EST

Farming Start:

29 Jan 0800 EST

Vesting period for presale buyers

To prevent instant dumping, there will be a vesting period for presale buyers. 40% will be given out during TGE (launch), with the remaining 60% linearly distributed within the next 6 days. Buyers will be able to claim their tokens anytime within these 6 days at a pro-rated rate (eg. 10% every day). All in all, 100% of the presale token will be released during the end of the 7th day.

Last updated